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The Re-Invention of LED in Retail

Writer's picture: The K-WAV Lumenary The K-WAV Lumenary

We'd like to talk to the retailers out there. The ones that know that they need a change. A change that has to drive consumers back to the store in unison with their e-commerce offerings. This is where LED in retail matters, and can provide entertainment value paired with product education. The retailers that keep doing the same things that they have done forever with a slightly different variation, even when they know deep down it’s not going to stop Amazon from taking their customers are going to be phased out.. On the other hand the retailers that create in-store branded experiences that create that "wow" factor with technology like LED displays and LED walls will thrive in today's shopper marketing driven landscape.

What we have to say to the retailers failing to adopt is that it isn't too late to change course, “STOP" what you're currently doing! Please, do something radically different, We implore you. It’s time to take bold chances and be daring before you are irrelevant.  We aren't retail experts by any means but we understand human behavior and its clear, if you don’t have a compelling reason to visit a brick and mortar store, why would you? It’s far easier to click a button and wait for that box to show up. Our retail customers see drastic increases in foot traffic and sell through when they create experience centered store environments through the use of LED in retail.

People go to stores to have an experience. If you aren’t making yours a must-see destination with a unique experience, you are losing customers, period. The research has shown it over and over again. We can’t tell you what that unique experience is for your customer but with your understanding and the expertise of our partner team at Bluewater, we can create that experience with you. We can use the tools in our platform to help you amplify your story so that the volume is loud enough to be heard over the background noise in the world today. It’s what we do on any given day and it creates impact for our clients.

retail, shopper experience

What does any of this truly have to do with LED? Well, it’s seems obvious to us but that’s only because we live LED every day. LED is the perfect canvas to draw attention to your story, your experience, your destination, or better yet your storefront.

Retail locations have some unique challenges as these physical locations are already visual overloaded for most mortals.

Here are some of those challenges. 

  • Inability to capture attention

  • Lack of interactivity

  • Artistic Use of technology

  • Lack of dynamic content

  • Ambient Lighting/Washed-out images

If you stop and think about your average retail environment, it’s bright with a sea of products, displays, signs, and many other visual cues fighting for your attention, but the only interaction is trying on clothes. Boring!! 

Let’s use LED and interactive activations to make a unique experience at your destination. Even better, let’s create a strategy to re-fresh that experience on at regular intervals so that people come back just to see what the new experience is. 

Here is why LED is the right medium:

  • Eye-catching

  • Unique/Dynamic form factor

  • Interactive

  • Brightness/Vivid Color

What’s even better than using LED for digital signage? Making it interactive. You get all the benefits of the LED technology and tie those into sensors, triggers and menu choices that give an interactive experience with data analytics that provide feedback on what captures attention. In addition to all of the above, we can consult with you on strategy, help create content, make unique applications with our app/dev team and design and fabricate your environment. That’s right, we can, check out or platform. We have all of this in house. 

If you are ready to have a real conversation, not the ones that end with, “we don’t have the budget for that”. If you are prepared to make a bold investment in your future that makes an impact, we are ready to talk to you about how to get people to see your store as “the” place to be and keep them coming back. You say, you can’t afford it and don’t have the budget. We say, you can’t afford to not have the budget if you want to stay relevant.   

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